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icon_widget_image Seg - Sex 9:00 - 18:00, Sáb., Dom. e feriados - Encerrado icon_widget_image Rua Pinheiro Borges, 22, C.C. Torres de Alfragide, loja 25 - Alfragide, 2610-140 Amadora - Portugal icon_widget_image +(351) 214 711 360 + (351) 214 719 829 icon_widget_image [email protected]
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Supervision and Inspection of constructions

Areas of activity

Supervision and Inspection of constructions

Inspection has increasingly assumed a role of great importance throughout the entire project. Their presence becomes indispensable throughout the execution of the work, as it is essentially at this stage that failures are committed that compromise costs, deadlines and the final quality of the construction.

Construction Inspection consists of the full verification of construction compliance, together with the definitions of all licensing and execution projects, in real time and on site, ensuring compliance with the responsibilities of the project authors, contractor, construction director, as well as the owner of the works.

Prosirtec brings together a professional, responsible and rigorous inspection team, capable of carrying out the proper monitoring and support to the customer and also to the builders, evaluating all the conformities and nonconformities of the project at various levels.

When hiring our Construction Inspection services we will:

Ensure general control of the work, with regard to the execution of the work, management and quality of techniques, materials and equipment, as well as hygiene and safety at work
We ensure coordination between project authors, construction director, owner of work and contractor, whenever necessary, in order to find the best solution for non-conformities and non-compliance in your project or construction.